I've always been of those people who has to plan out the day and stick to the daily to-do list. Spontaneity has never been my strong suit. I'm happy to report though, that this summer I've become less anal retentive and am embracing the idea of spontaneity!
Take for example my trip to Liberty Hound. I was downtown for drinks at The Statler Lobby Bar with my boyfriend and we were looking for a place to go to dinner. Normally, for me this would take careful consideration (and typically ten minutes of discussion with my boyfriend), but I threw caution to the wind and suggested Liberty Hound. We called the restaurant and got on the short waiting list for dinner.
We parked over by The Hatch (about a five minute walk), and while we could have gotten a little closer to the restaurant (there is no parking lot for the restaurant), it is always fun to walk along the Harbor. We arrived to the restaurant earlier than they told us a table would be ready, but they sat us right away! Since it was a gorgeous Buffalo night we opted for an outdoor table. The restaurant is situated right on the water at the Naval Park. Any view from an outdoor table is gorgeous!
As we browsed over the menu I quickly realized I would order 99% of the menu items; everything sounded delicious. I went back and forth on what to get but we finally settled on ordering The Sauteed Littlenecks to start (pictured below), and I had the grilled chicken sandwich. My boyfriend ordered the fish tacos.
The sauteed little necks were outstanding! They are placed in a delicious broth of choriso, garlic, tomatoes, green onions and butter and served with a few pieces of bread. The bread was perfect to dip into the chorizo broth and we quickly devoured them. Honestly, I could have continued to eat more. My grilled chicken sandwich was packed with goat cheese, roasted bell peppers and arugula. They were served with fries. The chicken was cooked perfectly and was a little bit juicy. There was a generous amount of goat cheese and peppers which combined perfectly. The fries were cripsy! The fish tacos evoked a few "nom's" from my boyfriend and I enjoyed the few bites I was able to sneak in!
The inside of the restaurant is very small. There are less than 20 total tables, and when we were there it was completely packed. The location on the Harbor is perfect for the spring/summer, but I am not sure what their plans are for the upcoming winter season. I would be worried they wouldn't be able to sustain during the winter months, but I haven't had a chance to look into what the owners plans are yet.
Revitalization down by the Harbor/Canalside is high on my list of favorite things, and the owners of Liberty Hound did a great job turning this spot into a "must try" destination. With the revitalization of Canalside, now was the perfect time to get this restaurant up and running, and I have high hopes for other plans by the waterfront in the coming years.
If you are looking for a perfect date spot this summer, Liberty Hound is IT! You can enjoy a few drinks and dinner looking over the water and Naval ships and then venture down to Canalside for a walk. It was such a "feel good" night! On top of that, I learned that spontaneity isn't so bad after all. I'm so glad we tried it out, and I'm hoping to spontaneously show up again before the summer is over (or plan another trip there...I'm still working on that).
For other reviews on Liberty Hound click below:

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